
5 Ways To Stay Safe And Plan For A Hurricane In Orlando.

Hurricane safety tips for Orlando residents.

5 Ways To Stay Safe And Plan For A Hurricane In Orlando.

Similar to 3pm summer rainstorms, hurricanes are inevitable when you live in the Sunshine State. If you’re new to Central Florida, this may be your first experience with hurricane season. From late May through the end of November, tropical storms can sometimes get stronger and turn into hurricanes ranging from a low Category 1 to a life-threatening Category 5. During hurricane season it’s important to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Here are a few safety precautions to keep you and your family safe during a hurricane in Orlando.

What are the safety precautions for a hurricane?

Keeping your family safe is your first priority. How do you do that? By being prepared. If evacuation isn’t required by the state, having a hurricane plan and supply kit ready is a must. Stay away from low-lying or flood-prone areas. Listen to emergency alerts and evacuate if necessary. Once the hurricane has arrived, STAY INDOORS. Winds can range up to 215mph.

Clear The Area Around Your Home

It’s imperative that you pick up debris from around your home before the storm makes landfall. Bring in all loose items, including BBQ grills, plants, and toys. Trim away any low-lying branches close to your roof, windows and entryways, and place them in trash bags inside of your garage. Do not leave anything loose outside that could become a projectile hazard once the hurricane-force winds start to pick up.

What supplies do you need to prepare for a hurricane?

Before a hurricane hits, make sure your hurricane supply kit is replenished and includes these necessary items:

Water – One gallon per person, per day. A family of four without water for five days would need 20 gallons. Save water in a bathtub for basic sanitation and dishwashing, but do not drink this water. You can also fill empty jugs with water and freeze them. This will provide you with ice for maintaining your perishable foods longer as well as provide extra drinking water once it melts.

First Aid Kit – Band-Aids, bandages, antibiotic ointment, bleach, and a medicine dropper so you can create water disinfectant (six drops of bleach for every one gallon of water), hand sanitizer, any necessary medications, hygiene products, and baby products.

Flashlight – One flashlight per family member and the correct size of extra batteries. A battery-operated radio for emergency alerts and storm updates.

Tool Kit – A basic set of tools: hammer, nails, duct tape, screws, screwdriver, pliers, and a knife.

Sanitation Products – Toilet paper, moist towelettes, and plastic garbage bags in different sizes. You need to keep waste away from your family and other supplies until local water and power services have been restored.

You should have enough food for at least three days if the power goes out in your area. This includes dry cereal, canned goods (be sure you have a manual can opener on hand), fruit, vegetables, juice, soups, pasta, beans, nuts, nut butters, bread, crackers, granola and energy bars. Some great unrefrigerated fruit options include: bananas, apples, and oranges. It’s important to ensure you have plenty of pet food, baby food, and bottles as well.

Should I Board Up My Windows and Get Sandbags Before A Hurricane?

In Florida, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. If the hurricane is a Category 4 or above, it is best to board up your windows. If you don’t have boards or are unsure if it’s necessary to board up your windows, using cardboard boxes taped to the insides of your windows will provide some protection from the outside elements. Sandbags can be your best line of defense against rising waters.

What Do I Do Once The Hurricane Is Over?

Once the hurricane has passed and you have been notified that it is okay to leave your home, it is time to survey the scene and check your home for exterior damages.

That’s when you call Florida’s Highest Rated Roofer, Janney Roofing in Orlando for a free estimate and assessment of your roof damage due to the hurricane.


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