Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring cleaning checklist for roof maintenance.

Spring cleaning in residential areas is vital because certain maintenance routines can boost curb appeal around a property dramatically. Because a roof is a valuable piece of real estate that protects a home’s foundation, it’s an ideal starting point. If the top of a house has grime or lacks important structural elements, other aspects of the home’s exterior design won’t stand out. This is why many homeowners have a spring cleaning list that features key tasks that can be tackled with making a large investment.

Eliminate Cobwebs

In rural areas, insects usually roam around roofs and other elements around a home. If spiders invade a residential landscape, they’ll build webs in areas that are tough to access. Any cobwebs that hangover high-traffic areas should be removed with a telescoping duster so that a spider won’t drop on your guests. If you’re unable to reach cobwebs in very high spots, Orlando roofers can help.

Operate a Pressure Washer

Depending on the climate and weather conditions, mold could begin to grow in certain spots on the edge of a roof. In order to eliminate spores that are ruining a roof’s color and curb appeal, you must spray the contaminated spots with a pressure washer. If you don’t own a pressure washer, low-priced rentals may be available at local hardware stores. Because all units have unique pressure settings, you should always review the specs before renting a pressure washer. The pressure level will help you determine what roofing surfaces you can safely cleanse with the spray nozzle. If you need help eliminating grime in an area that has a weak foundation, maintenance services are offered by Janney Roofing and other Orlando roofing companies.

Clean the Gutters

Although many homeowners typically cleanse downspouts and gutters shortly before winter arrives, these tasks can be done in the spring as well. Throughout the spring, light breezes propel twigs and debris into the gaps in the gutters. If proper maintenance procedures aren’t implemented, a clog will occur following each rainstorm.

When eliminating debris out of gutters, wear rubber gloves to protect yourself from sharp twigs. You’ll also need a plastic bag to hold all of the debris. When filling the bag with waste, always examine the weight because the plastic may rip if the debris is too heavy.

After all debris is removed, carefully examine the gutter’s structural elements. On a typical roof, the most common problems are:

  • Sagging
  • Faulty fasteners
  • Corrosion

Once the roof is in good condition, other spring cleaning procedures can be implemented. When a roof is properly cleaned by homeowners or licensed roofers in Orlando at Janney Roofing, fewer maintenance routines are required throughout the spring because damaged shingles, twigs, and other debris won’t constantly drop onto the ground.

Boost Efficiency by Working With a Janney Roofing Crew

If your roof isn’t stable or level, you may want to let reputable Orlando roofers implement the maintenance procedures. At Janney Roofing, we never cut corners, so you’ll complete all of your spring cleaning tasks quickly while working with us. As dedicated, hardworking Orlando roofers, we proudly serve homeowners in many neighborhoods and inspect and repair vintage and modern roofing materials.

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